Financial Advice
The TQ Invest service is designed for people who know what type of investment is right for their needs and are happy to make their own investment decisions, at the best possible price. However, we appreciate that not everyone is the same and some people will want to take the advice of an expert.
If you feel you need the advice of a financial adviser, then you can get access to our financial advice service at Ascot Lloyd. Ascot Lloyd provide both telephone and face to face advice for clients; the choice is entirely yours.
The value of advice is not just about having someone on hand to answer your queries; it is about having the expertise of someone who knows the financial services industry and the products within it, inside out. It is also about having someone who will work with you, find out all about you and your needs as an individual and match this to the best possible solutions available.
If you would like to speak with a financial adviser about your circumstances, please call TQ Invest on 0800 294 7221 who will be happy to refer you over to an advisory colleague.