Fund Platforms
What is a platform?
An investment platform allows you to buy funds from different fund providers within one consolidated portfolio. Making new investments or switching between funds is a simple and quick process and all your investments appear on one client statement.
Before investment platforms came along, you had to deal with each fund provider separately, using their individual application forms and dealing terms. Switching funds between different fund providers could be a complex and time consuming process. You would receive different client statements, at different times from each fund provider and keeping track of your investments could be difficult if you held a diversified portfolio between different funds.
Fund Platforms
Which Platform to use?
When investing in an Equity ISA, we suggest using a fund platform (also referred to as a fund supermarket). At TQ Invest we offer a choice of investing via FundsNetwork or Cofunds.
The decision over which platform to choose is a relatively simple one, and is largely down to your own preference. If you already have investments on the FundsNetwork or Cofunds platform then it makes sense to place any new investments you make in the same place.
If you are new to investing, or none of your existing investments are currently on platform, then here are some key facts about both FundsNetwork and Cofunds to help inform your decision.
- Fidelity FundsNetwork launched over 15 years ago
- Fundsnetwork is a one-stop shop offering over 2,000 investment/fund options from more than 100 fund companies
- Choice of tax efficient wrappers include ISAs, Junior ISAs, SIPPs
- Established in 2001
- Responsible for over £73.1bn* of investments on behalf of around 800,000 people. *Source: Fundscape 30/09/2015 (nb these assets are made up of
- Cofunds and Investor Portfolio Services)
- Cofunds are the fastest-growing platform in the UK.
- Offers access to over 200 fund groups, including over 3,300 clean share class funds.